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Hi patients! 

As part of your overall health and recovery; Yasin might have talked to you about healthy foods and drinks. Discussed some of the research into supplements; Vitamins, minerals, probiotics etc. 

In this section you will find some of my talks, research articles and recommendations with links to where to buy.

Give me a call, drop my a text, and if you're a patient of the clinic - I can issue you with a discount code for one of the main companies I link with. 

Please remember - it takes me a lot of time to research into which companies I feel will offer the best quality and dosages to my patient base. I get asked to review other supplies and their products - but can no longer do this for individual patients, the time requirements are too much. I cannot give an opinion on a supplement from manufacturers and sellers that I have not personally interacted with. We are not privy to their manufacturing methods, independent testing protocols and results, supply chain, and ethical practices. 


As such - in the interests of transparency, I will list the companies and their products that I feel are the best in quality and value for money. But I will not sell these products in clinic, rather - leave you to either buy via my site, or find your own. 

Please remember - the UK government has not made it mandatory for manufacturers and sellers to submit their products for independent lab testing and those reports being made available to the public. This is a real issue. Going on trust is not best practice! 

To their credit, Which have exposed a part of this problem too, see below link:

The below is a link of a research article that showed that over-the-counter supplements contained anabolic steroids!

The below is a link to a research article showing that supplements tested with contaminated with doping agents!

We recommend cytoplan for a lot of our patients nutritional supplements. Feel free to read about Cytoplan, its ISO standards, charitable setup and educational engagements. TownOsteo do not directly sell you supplements, that way we ensure patient confidence. We recommend and steer you to what we believe, through our best research, will do the best and safest job for you. The ultimate decision is yours to make from the comfort of your own home, away from the pressures of any hard selling. Some patients like to do their own research and find alternatives. If that's your thing, that's great - here you will find openness and transparency. 

But please remember, if you pursue you own method - you might be making things a whole lot more complex for yourselves and us.

For our patients only - we have also negotiated a modest 10% discount for cytoplan products. If we have taken you on as a patient - feel free to contact the clinic as ask for the code. As a responsible clinic - we will only release the code to patients that we have consulted, and feel it's in their best interest to take those products.  


TownOsteo Clinic

638 Melton Road, Leicester


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